Monday, April 18, 2011

Our weekend and a little more on sleep

Friday I took Finley to the doctor for her 15 month check-up. She weighed 22.14 pounds (40th percentile) and was 32.75 inches long (95th percentile). Her head is still huge; 48.5 cm which is in the 95th percentile. She had to get two shots, but she is healthy and doesn't have to go back until she is 18 months. I will be so glad when she turns 2 and we only have to go once a year unless she is sick.

                                                            Waiting on the doctor.

Friday night we stayed in and watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. I just love Harry Potter. I've read all the books and I've seen all the movies multiple times. I can't wait to see part 2 when it comes out in July, but I'm also a little sad that there won't be anymore. We will be home so we will have a babysitter and Jason and I can actually go to the movies together!

Saturday we ate out for lunch and then hung around the house the rest of the day.  After I gave Finley her bath Saturday night, I was letting her have "naked time" and she pooped on the floor...and then stepped in it!! We are probably done with naked time since there is a brown stain on the carpet now. How do I get that out??

                                                 Playing outside Saturday afternoon.

Sunday we ate at Buffalo Wild Wings and then went to Best Buy to get Bella a new TV for her room. Now I just have to get the cable company out here! Bella also found a Taylor Swift acoustic guitar that she LOVED, but I'm not paying $300.00 for guitar for a 7 year old. We found a Hello Kitty acoustic guitar at Target for $40 so we are going to order it.
                                                                Playing the bongos!

I'm sure everyone is tired of hearing about Finley's sleep patterns, so am I and here is a little more. She is getting worse again. About 2 months ago I started laying her down at night after I nursed her so she could go to sleep on her own. The first few nights she would cry for 2 or 3 minutes and then she would go to sleep. She was sleeping from 8:30 to 1:30 and then would wake again at 4:30 and then around 7:00 for the day.  Waking up on twice a night, I thought I was in heaven! She did that for about a week and then slowing worked her way back into waking up every hour or two. Now I can just lay her down and she goes right to sleep by herself, but she is waking up every hour or two and fussing a lot. So here is my question, why won't she just sleep??? She has got to be exhausted, right? I keep thinking that one day she is going to be so tired that she is going to fall asleep and sleep for like 8 straight hours. No, I'm not greedy, I would be perfectly happy with 8. Those of you with babies that sleep for 12+ hours every night are a little selfish don't you think? Getting all that sleep and waking up feeling refreshed every morning instead of feeling like you haven't had a full nights sleep in 15 months :) I know my only solution is to just let her cry it out, but I just can't do that yet. So until I am, please bear with me when I have these days that I need to just complain.
I was looking yesterday for tips to get your toddler to sleep and I came across a post where this women has a 16 month old and has never slept all night either. She said that she was PROUD and HONORED that she hasn't had any sleep in 16 months. That is total bs, she probably feels the need to tell everyone because she just can't believe that is has been that long. If this is Finley's way of honoring me I would rather her hate me and just sleep all night so she doesn't have to see me as much! (just kidding)


  1. Hey girl!! I wanted to commit on this one about sleeping because my son was 2 in january and he still does not sleep. He is now walking up only once and will go back to sleep and maybe 1 or 2 nights a week he will sleep all night but he has just started doing this in the last month. Before then he would also wake up every 2 or 3 hours and cry and want milk. I would have to sit and hold him forever before he would go back to sleep. I finally quit giving him milk in the middle of the night and when he wakes up i will not go to the recliner with him. I put him in the bed with me or I go lay down with him. I do think Steven has night terrors which wakes him up most of the time and there is no way to break that. The doctor would always tell me to let him cry it out and I am like you I am not strong enough to do that. I have tried a few times thorugh the 2 yrs but i would always give in. I feel your pain with the sleeping issues though. My advice is do what you have to get her to sleep to keep your insanity. HAHA A lot of people will make comments about me putting him in my bed but unless you have a non sleeper you dont understand that you sometimes have to do what every you can do!!! ANyways i jsut wanted to comment because i feel for you and know what you are going through!! Hang in there and hopefully she will start better soon.

  2. Try letting her cry for 5 minutes, then 10 minutes, then 20 and so on. Eventually that will make things easier for both of you. When I started letting Ethan cry it out, I had to walk outside because I couldn't stand it either. Also, let her cry for about 10 minutes in the middle of the night before you give in (if you can). That will teach her that you are not always going to run in there. When I started doing that, Ethan started going back to sleep in a matter of minutes. Just remember that when you are letting her cry, you are doing it to help her, not hurt her even though it is killing you! It will get better!! Good luck!

  3. Oh, gosh! I remember those days. They are so hard. I really wish I had some words of advice for you, but I don't. Every child is different.... seriously, how are there THAT many ways? Anyway, maybe let her cry it out a little... but I know that's hard when you don't want to interrupt the others in the house sleeping, too. Um, why did I leave a comment? I'm not sure.....

  4. We are having trouble with Sawyer sleeping through the night now. She goes down so well, but has now started getting up anywhere between 1 and 3. We have had company and so we don't want her to cry it out and wake them up, so we have been putting her in our bed, which I am beginning to think is a big mistake. We must now break that habit. I guess we are going to have it let her cry it out, but sometimes in order to just get my sleep it is easier to just cuddle with her.
