Friday, September 23, 2011

Baby #4...

is on the way and due March 30. That means that I'm 13 weeks today!

This baby was a bit of a surprise. To make a long and detailed story short and to the point, I didn't think that I could pregnant yet because of nursing Finley and that thing we have to have every month still hadn't started up again. After we got back to California I was extremely tired all the time and I ended up taking a pregnancy test the morning the movers were coming to load our house and it was positive. I was thinking I was like 4 weeks. The day our stuff arrived here I had some problems and so I went to the doctor that day. They did an ultrasound to make sure everything was okay and told me that I was 9 weeks! That was 4 weeks ahead of what I was expecting!! I was in shock for a few days because I honestly had no idea that I was that far along.

I decided to go to Brookwood Hospital because I really want to have this one naturally (as in drug-free) and their new hospital that opens in December is more natural birth friendly than any other hospital in Birmingham. I found a new doctor and saw him this past Monday. He is super nice and I think I will be really happy with him.

I had to go back Tuesday and see a different doctor because I wanted the first trimester triple screen done. I had an ultrasound and I'm still amazed how much the baby has grown in just a few weeks. They could also tell the sex of the baby! I don't want to find out what the baby is but Jason does. He wants a boy really bad and he said he needs to mentally prepare himself if it's another girl. I say just prepare for a girl and if it's a boy he will be really happy. I really want a boy too and for the sanity of our house we need a boy, but I also think it would be great for Finley to have a sister that is only 2 years younger than her. We want to have one more after this one, so if it is a girl Jason will still have another chance.

I have felt much better the last 2 weeks. I have never been sick in any of my pregnancies, but I definitely was nauseous for a while. I don't feel as exhausted as I did a few weeks ago either. I'm trying not to gain 400 pounds this time! No, but seriously I want to gain 30 at the most. I gained 60 with Tyler and 45 with both of the girls and I just don't want to be that big and have to lose all of that weight after I have the baby.  The first 25 falls off after a few weeks, but that last 20 likes to stick around. It took me 9 months to lose it all with Finley. Of course she was 4 months old before I even started trying to get the weight off, and breastfeeding helped a ton so I can't really complain to much. I have noticed though, that the older I get the harder it is to lose baby weight.

Here is the baby at 8 weeks and 6 days.

Here it is at 12 weeks and 5 days. Amazing!

I love this picture! It had its little legs crossed and was just relaxing. Hopefully that is a good sign!!


  1. What a sweet surprise!!! I am all for the drugs, but I am also the biggest weanie, EVER!!! You must be a super mom. I have no idea how you do it all. I am with you on it being a suprise (the gender). We did that with Sawyer, and if I am not mistaken, you did that with Finley. Isn't it great!!! Can't wait to read more about sweet baby #4!!! Congrats, again!!! and Welcome Home!!!
