Tuesday, January 24, 2012

New house

When we found out that there was a possibility that we might be moving to Birmingham we decided that we would live in Homewood. As we began to look for a house, we quickly realized that was easier said then done. I LOVE Homewood! I love all the old houses and the neighborhood feel, but those little houses are not made for a family of 6. There are some gorgeous re-models there as well, but $700,000 is just not in our budget. So after we talked about it we decided that we would start looking in Gardendale as well. I was still hoping that we would find some awesome deal on a bigger house in Homewood, but that just never happened.

We found a great lot in a great neighborhood and decided that we should check into building. Jason's brother had just finished a house so we talked to his builders. We really liked all that they put into their houses so we decided to go with them. That was back in September and we are just now ready to close on the lot. We really thought we would be in the house before baby #4 was born, but we will be lucky if we are in by July now.

It's not all the builders fault, even though they have been slow with things on their end. Basically everything that could go wrong did and it has taken months to straighten out all the little kinks that have popped up. For a while I really thought everything was going to fall apart and we would have to start all over again. We built our first home so we knew what all went into building and somethings take a while, but this house has been one of the most frustrating things we have ever done. I'm really hoping it will be smooth sailing once they get started since we have had so many problems at the beginning.

I know I sound negative, but we are very excited! We designed the house ourselves so it has pretty much everything we want. We should have plenty of room and storage space. I'm really going to love the back yard. It will be nice and flat and fenced so I can just let Finley run wild. I think what I am most excited about is actually owning a home again. We sold our house in March 2008 and we have rented since then. There are good things and bad things about renting and in our situation it was the best option since we never knew how long we would be in one place. We plan on staying here until Tyler graduates from high school so we definitely wanted to own a house and not be in a rental for the next four years.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! I can't wait to see updates of the progress!
