Friday, January 28, 2011

First time to blog!

So I decided that I would try the whole blogging thing out since we are so far from everyone and it will be a way for people to keep up with us! 

A little about me: Mom to 3 great kids (most of the time!), wife to Jason. Our life has been a little crazy the past couple of years. We moved from Birmingham, Alabama to Chandler, Arizona in August 2008, found out we were having a baby in May 2009, had little Finley January 13, 2010 then 6 weeks later found out we were moving to Las Vegas. Jason had to be there in April then the kids and I moved at the end of May. Then in September we found out we were moving to California. Jason had to be here in October and the kids and I moved here the week before Christmas. We found a house in Danville which is south east of San Francisco. The kids love their schools and Jason likes his job so everyone is pretty happy.  Hopefully 2011 will be a little less hectic, but I think I have kind of gotten used to it and if we aren't talking about moving, planning a move, or actually moving it might be a little boring! 



  1. Look at you! And look at me... first commenter and first follower! Miss you guys!

  2. Miss y'all too! I can't wait till summer so we can see everyone. I hope everything is going well!

  3. Love the name! We have a blog too! I use it instead of scrapbooking and at the end of the year I print it off and it is bound into a hardcover book.

  4. What a great idea Lindsay! Maybe I will do that too. I'm definitely not a scrapbooker :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I am so excited to follow your blog!
