None of my kids have been great sleepers. I've never had a child that I could lay down at 7 PM and they would sleep 12 hours or anywhere even close to that.
Finley puts a whole new spin on bad sleepers. She is almost 14 months old and the longest she has ever slept is 6 hours, and that has only happened a few times.
2 days old sleeping at the hospital
Most nights she goes to sleep around 8 and then she is up around 12, and then 2, and 3:30 and 4:30 and 5:30 and so on. I thought she was getting better. A couple of weeks ago she was sleeping from 8:30 to 2 and then would wake at 4 and then at 6 or 7 for the day. But that didn't last long and she is back to waking up several times a night.
2 weeks old
I know it's all my fault. When she was a baby she cried every night from 5:30 to 7:30 for the first 3 months of her life so at night if she moved at all I would get her because I didn't want her to cry. Even after she quit all the crying I still did the same thing. It was just a lot easier to put her in our bed and nurse her back to sleep.
3 months old
She still sleeps in our room. I know I should just move her into her room and let her cry it out, but the problem is, I don't want too! I'm still holding onto those night time feedings because that is the only part left of her that is still like a baby. If that sounds weird and backwards to you, that's because it is! Who doesn't want to sleep all night?
She does go to sleep on her own at night now. We read books, I nurse her, and then put her in her bed and she goes right to sleep. She only cried a couple of nights for a few minutes when we started that, but now she doesn't make a sound. And I decided today that I'm doing that for naps too. I nursed her and then put her in her bed. I heard her jumping for a few minutes and then she rolled around for like 20 minutes, but she never cried and she fell asleep on her own!! I'm getting better! You would think since she is my third kid I would have done all that months ago. I guess because we had to try for so long with her and I ended up having to use clomid to get pregnant, I just don't want her to grow up too fast. I still want her to be that little baby that was so warm and smelled so sweet.
5 months old
I'm not sure how this went from her sleep to my mental issues with her getting big!
Am I the only crazy mom who feels this way?? Probably so!
For the record, I was not this way with Tyler and Bella.
Sawyer of course is my first. But I completely understand about not wanting them to get so big. I am still trying to squeeze her into the pjs that don't have the rubbery stuff on the bottom. I think they still fit, but my mom doesn't! I know it sounds crazy, but I think they are just so sweet! I thought I was going to have a harder time giving up nursing, but I didn't. But I am not able to stay at home with her either. I say do what works best for you. You have all those other years to sleep. I believe it is a very special bond between mom and child!