Friday, April 22, 2011

It's Friday :)

I hope everyone is having a good Good Friday! Easter is so late this year. Why can't it be like the 2nd Sunday of April or on a certain date every year like other holidays?

I'm excited to see Finley tear into her Easter basket. She was only a few months old last year so this year should be fun.

Finley's naps have been all over the place the last few days, and she has only had one nap everyday but Monday this week.  She has actually slept better the past two nights. I'm not sure if it's because her naps have been short and she is just so tired that she only wakes up 3 times instead of 6 or 8, but it has been nice.
                                                      Her nap yesterday in my car :)

My niece turned 13 yesterday. I can't believe that she and Tyler are now teenagers. I remember when they were 3 and loved to play in the toilet together!

My house is a mess and I have no desire to clean it. One day I'm going to have a maid. Hopefully I will get in the cleaning mood this weekend.

 I hope everyone has a great Easter! Here is a little video to make you smile (please excuse my dirty bathroom).

1 comment:

  1. Soo cute! Did she get those moves from her momma? lol!
