Thursday, December 29, 2011

Some baby news and a wedding

Yesterday I had a doctor's appointment and I had to do that horrible glucose test, which I failed! They drew some blood and sent it off and hopefully it will come back okay. I should know by Friday. If not I will have to do the even worse three hour test. I have passed the test with my other three so hopefully it was just a fluke.

I also found out for sure that the umbilical cord only has two vessels. Most have three, one vein and two arteries, but mine only has one vein and one artery. It can be a soft marker for some chromosomal problems and birth defects, but since I had the first and second trimester screenings and everything came back normal they were not worried about any of that. It can also cause growth restrictions, but he is exactly the size he is supposed to be so they will continue to do ultrasounds every 4-8 weeks to make sure he is growing as he should be.  I had never even heard of Single Umbilical Artery until they told me at 18 weeks that they thought the cord might be that way. The doctor said not to worry about it because the baby looks great, but I'm still a little nervous about it.

The baby weighed 2 pounds and 1 ounce and it's still definitely a boy! Something has been in my ribs for the past few days and we found out today that it's his head. I'm hoping he will change positions soon ;)

I will be 27 weeks tomorrow which is the last week of my second trimester.

Out New Years Eve will probably be pretty boring this year. Of course anything is better than last years when I had a terrible stomach virus and was hugging the toilet most of the night!

My brother is getting married on New Years day and both of the girls are in the wedding. It will be interesting/hilarious to see how Finley acts. Bella is really excited because she really wants to be in a wedding. She is also going to be in one in July so this should be good practice for her.

I hope everyone has a Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Well keep the baby and y'all in our prayers..... sometimes all the medical technology keeps us from enjoying our pregnancy.

    We're having an uneventful NYE, too......... I probably won't even stay up until midnight.

    And how exciting for the girls..... and your brother, of course.
