Friday, March 16, 2012

38 weeks and other happenings

I'm 38 weeks pregnant today. Basically all that means is that my due date is in 2 weeks, but the baby could come anytime in the next 2 to 4 weeks. As of Wednesday he is sitting tight and in no big hurry to meet us. He probably hears how crazy it is in this house and is scared! I would be too ;) I'm really hoping that he will stay put until after Bella's birthday on April 1st. April 2nd or 4th would be a perfect birthday, don't you think? I still feel great. Yes, I have aches and pains and contractions and can't sleep, but all that is to be expected and it is not that bad. I can honestly say this has been my best pregnancy. I have felt really good the whole time and I know keeping my weight down has helped. 25 pounds is much easier to carry around than 45 pounds!

I think I have basically everything I wanted to buy before he gets here. I still have not decided on a double stroller. That is making me a little crazy, but they are so dang expensive and every time I think I have found one I read a really bad review and then I have to start over again. I don't want to pay several hundred dollars on something and then hate it. I don't know why I have such a hard time with stuff like that. I also haven't bought his bedding yet, but that can wait since Finley still sleeps in the baby bed and he will be in our room with us for while. I do know what I want so at least it won't take me months to decide on bedding.

I have made a list of stuff to do and buy and am slowly getting through everything on the list. I hope to be completely done this weekend. Then I'm sure I will find something else to worry about, but hopefully I will just relax.

                                                  38 week belly

They started framing our house this week. Yay!
I took this Tuesday so they have done quite a bit more since then.

Tyler has his first soccer game tomorrow. Bella's game was cancelled so she has a week off with no practice or games.

Spring break is next week! I'm really looking forward to no homework and sleeping in for a week. I'm planning on doing a few things with the kids next week because once the baby is born I doubt if I will ever leave the house again ;)

 Cute little toddler feet
 A brief moment when they weren't fighting.

We bought a potty this week. She sits on it (while still dressed) and carries it around, but at least she likes it. I'm not even thinking about potty training right now, but I thought I would buy so she could get used to the idea.

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