Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Huck is 10 months!

Huck is 10 months today. We spent the day at Alabama Oral and Facial Surgery. Tyler had to have two teeth pulled and the impacted teeth exposed so they could put brackets on them so they can be pulled down. Sounds pretty terrible doesn't it! He was pretty confused when we got to the car. He asked me "what just happened?", and I told him he got his teeth pulled. He said "the world is so weird right now"!

Huck's 9th month was full of first. He was actually still 8 months when he took his first steps, but he started walking all the time right after he turned 9 months.  He loves to walk! He just walks around the house picking up things and then throwing them down when he sees something else he wants to inspect. It is so freaking cute! He also learned how to stand up from a sitting position by himself, he can clap now, he says dada (after saying mama for 3 months!), he can climb the steps, open every cabinet and drawer, blow kisses, and jump on the bed! He also just got in his two bottom teeth! And he pooped on the carpet and stepped in it! He LOVES being naked! LOVES IT! He walks around and pulls at his junk(boys are so gross) and is just in heaven. Everytime I change his diaper it is a fight to get a clean one on him. As soon as I pull the dirty one off he is rolling over and trying to walk off. Sometimes I just let him be naked for a while. He has only peed on the floor once and that was the hardwood floor so I just mopped it up, no big deal. Poop in the carpet is a different story!

He is still not a great eater. Some days he will eat a pretty good amount and other days he hardly eats anything at all. He still nurses a lot so I guess he is getting full from that. I know that "food before one is just for fun", but my other kids were eating a lot more than him at this age. I think his favorite food is ice cream :)

He is a much happier baby since he started walking. He is still an awful, terrible sleeper. He had a fever virus a couple of weeks ago and he was up every 30 minutes 3 nights in a row. When he is not sick he will usually wakes every 1 or 1 1/2 hours. I have books to read about helping him sleep better, but I just haven't made time to sit down and read them. It's my fault because I always nursed him to sleep or put him in the Ergo and walked him around so if he wakes up he can't go back to sleep on his own. The doctor told me at his 9 month check up to move him to his room and let him cry. She said that is the only way he will learn to go to sleep on his own. That is just so hard to do!

I'm looking forward to this month. I can't wait to see what new things he learns and gets into. I'm hoping he will continue to be a happier and more content baby.

His 1st birthday is only 2 months away! That is sure to be a super emotional day.

                                                Sweet Sugar!
                                                    Love this face!
                                                     "Bella-let me go!"
                                                             Bed head
                                                  Making a mess in the shower
                                                       41 weeks old
                                              Not feeling great in this one
                                      Photo courtesy of Finley Carter

                                        Helping Finley open her presents!
                                      He loves when he can get Finley's cup!
 Trying to take his clothes off. He might be a streaker when he grows up!

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