Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Sickness and Santa

So the week started off with a bang when Finley got sick and puked all over a 10 month old's head. At the time I thought it was food poisoning because she never acted like she felt bad, but we learned on Thursday that it was definitely a stomach virus because Bella called from school sick and then Friday I had to pick up Tyler early too because he was feeling sick. So Bella missed her basketball game Friday night and Tyler missed the Christmas party he was invited to with all his friends from school. Hopefully all the sickness is gone from our house for a long time!
                               Poor Bella on the way to pick Tyler up from school last Friday.

Thursday night Jason and I went to Brookwood Hospital's unmedicated childbirth class. I wasn't sure what to expect, but it was really good. It was taught by an labor and delivery nurse and she told us a lot of good information and tips on how to avoid interventions. While she gave as much information as she could in two hours I'm still planning on taking some more natural birth classes to get as much information as I possibly can. We were the only couple pregnant with our fourth child, actually there wasn't even anyone pregnant with their third. There were only two pregnant with their second.

Saturday night we had a Christmas party for my granny. She is 81 and has Alzheimer's but she still remembers all the grand kids and all of the great grand kids except for Finley. Finley is the youngest so I think since she was born after my granny started forgetting things she forgets about her. It's weird because she remembers things that Finley does but she forgets that I have a third child. We had a great time and it was nice seeing my family since I haven't seen most of them since I moved 3 years ago.

Today was the last day of school until after the new year. OLS has an Advent Christmas program every year and it is always so good. Bella's class sang a couple of songs and I love hearing their sweet little voices. They then had their Christmas parties and were dismissed from school at 12. I love Christmas break! We are always busy, but it is nice having everyone home and not having to wake up at 6 every morning!

I took Finley to see Santa today and she would not sit in his lap. She was really more interested in the fountain outside than she was with Santa. She did wave at him and took the candy cane. Maybe next year she will be more interested in Santa Clause ;)

Tomorrow I've got to clean the house since it has been a few weeks since I have deep cleaned. The tub did receive a good scrubbing last night since Finley pooped in there, but at least that is one thing off the list. I have to clean the tub at least once a week. In the last week or so it has had poop, vomit, and an assortment of food that gets stuck on Finley. Anytime we eat Italian food there is always a red ring around it from all the sauce she gets on her.

I'm 25 weeks and 4 days pregnant now. This pregnancy is flying by. We still haven't picked out a name, but we will figure it out eventually. I still feel great and I think this maybe the best I have ever felt during a pregnancy. I'm still walking 5 days a week and I think that helps with how I feel. You just always feel better after you get some exercise. Here is a 25 week picture.


  1. I hope the sickness is OVER! And how cute are you pregnant?

  2. You are the cutest pregnant person ever!!!
