Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Red Nose Run

I have tried on and off to start running again since Huck was about three months old. I finally decided in December that I needed to get serious and sign up for a race so I would have to get out and train. Tyler had been running too getting ready for the spring soccer season so we decided to run the Red Nose Run in Homewood.

I haven't ran a 5K since I ran the See Jane Run 5K when we lived in California. My time at that one was 34:01. Here is my post about it.

The race started at 7:15 so I had to get up at 5:45. I woke Tyler up at 6:00 and told him we were leaving at 6:30 and to get dressed. I couldn't find any safety pins to pin my bib on (I should have looked in the race bag because there were plenty in there!) and so we were a few minutes late heading down to the car. Jason was putting the kids in the car and I yelled at Tyler to come on. I stopped for a second and listened and heard the shower running! What was he doing?! By this time it is like 6:40 and we should have been on the way there. I yelled and told him to hurry up we had to go now or we were going to miss the race. He got out to the car at 6:44 and said he was confused and thought it was a school day! With Jason driving we got to Homewood by 7:00 and jumped out of the car to go to the start line.

The race started and I felt pretty good. It is always really bunched up at the beginning and so I ran a little faster to get out of the crowd. Tyler ran off and left me, but I felt like I was doing alright until I got to this huge hill. It was really more like a mountain! I got up and back down it and after a few more minutes saw Tyler. I caught up with him and then passed him. I wasn't trying to, but I was keeping the same pace and he was getting slower.  I ran around the corner in downtown Homewood and Jason and the kids were there cheering for us. I started running faster because I knew the finish line was close. As I am about to cross the finish line someone tapped me on the shoulder, I turn my head and Tyler passes me and finishes a millisecond before me! Our time ended up being the exact same, but he just finished one spot ahead of me. He is a total butthead! Our official time was 31:14! I have never ran that fast in my life! It's still not fast compared to other people, but it is fast for me.

 Huck is trying to get away from Ronald McDonald!

My goal for this year is to run a race every month, get faster and run longer distances. I have already signed up for the Mercedes Super Hero 5K in February and I'm going to do the Rumpshaker 5K in March. I hope to do a 10K in April, but we will have to see how that goes! I ran 4 miles on Sunday and felt pretty good so hopefully I can add two more by April. I would love to have someone to run with so if anyone is interested let me know! Jason runs off and leaves me and Tyler is starting soccer so he won't be running at home anymore.

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