Wednesday, March 16, 2011

This and That

It's parent-teacher conference week so the kids get out of school at lunch time. Today I had Bella's conference and she is doing great. I'm so glad that both Tyler and Bella have transitioned easily into their new schools.

Tyler also had a dermatologist appointment today. I think this doctor will get his face cleared up. He is going to take antibiotics for the next 5 weeks and if that doesn't work then he will take accutane. I fought acne for 13 years and it is not fun. The only reason my face is mostly clear now is because of accutane.  Jason had to take it too. I feel so sorry for our kids. Maybe the girls won't have to worry about it.

I think everyone I know is either pregnant or just had a baby!

Finley had her first sucker today and she would not take it out of her mouth! Now no one will be able to eat a sucker around her.

Big News: I wore a dress for the first time since I was pregnant with Finley! I know no one cares, but my sister will be proud of me :)

                          After Bella fixed my hair :) Don't you love the blue flower clip?
                                                      Our faces twirled together.

1 comment:

  1. I am super proud!!! It wasn't a waste of money yay!!!!!
