Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The bedroom

Tyler and Bella were out of school yesterday so Bella and I cleaned her room. I use the term Bella and I loosely because she maybe picked up 2 toys and put them away then she was off to play or bother Tyler or watch TV. So I will just go ahead and say that I cleaned her room.  It's been needing it for a while, but she totally destroyed it over the weekend. She has so much stuff it's really ridiculous. I actually started Sunday afternoon. I was trying to throw some stuff away and organize a little bit so she would know where all her toys were. She is such a pack rat. When she was younger she would actually get stuff out of the garbage can. She loved receipts. I would find tons of them stuffed where ever she had space to stuff them. She is not quite as bad anymore, but she still wants to keep everything and has a really hard time parting with any toy, even if she hasn't touched it in years. Her favorite excuse is that we should keep it for Finley and then I have to say I doubt that Finley will want this crappy Iron Man 2 toy from Burger King five years from now.
 The hallway to her bedroom. I have no idea what she was thinking when she just threw a bunch of toys out there. Bella really does think that every room in the house is her room and she should be able to have her stuff there.
                                             No ones room should ever look like this!
                              I still don't know how she slept on that bed Sunday night!

                                                That is Finley rolling around on the bed.
 We actually had to put this toy cubby out in the hall because there is no space for anything else in her room!

I did throw out 2 bags of old toys and random papers that she kept for some reason. I should probably be to embarrassed to post these pictures, but she keeps her room pretty clean 90% of the time. About every three months she gets a wild hair and has to pull everything out.

After I got everything cleaned up I had to threaten her. I told her the next time I walk in here and it looks like this I'm just going to get a garbage bag and start throwing everything away. I've said that way to many times so I'm sure she doesn't believe me, but next time I might just do it!

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