Wednesday, November 16, 2011

22 months

Finley turned 22 months on Sunday. In two months she will be two!! I can't believe it. I don't know how the last two years went by so fast, but they did and it makes me a little sad.

She loves Dora now. That is the only show that she will kind of sit down and watch. She will watch Dora movies in the car and since we only have two I know them both by heart! We have some other Dora DVDs but they are packed up somewhere. I should really try and find those. She is talking more and more everyday and I feel like she has a pretty broad vocabulary. Of course Tyler and Bella are pretty big talkers so I'm really not surprised.

She loves being outside, eating spaghetti and fruit, and going in Tyler's room when he doesn't want her to. I also found out after Halloween that she got my sweet tooth and loves candy!

Lat night Finley tee-teed in the potty!!!  She had just got out of the bathtub and I hadn't put her diaper on yet so she peed in her bedroom floor, she came and told me that she did and I was washing Bella's hair so I told her I would clean it up in a second. Then I hear the toilet seat going up and when I look over she is sitting on the potty and she did it all by herself! She only peed a tiny bit because she had already got most of it out on her floor, but at least she is starting to understand it all and hopefully she won't be that hard to potty train.

                                        Hanging out with Bella
                                           She loves her daddy!
                                             Her second Halloween
This is what Finley always looks like after eating Italian food! On this night she was eating lasagna.

1 comment:

  1. She's super cute! (and I look like that after Italian, too!)
